Free Khmer Android Apps in Android Market

Thank Nokor e-Solutions Group (AKA Nokor-IT) who’s generous enough to develop free Android apps using Khmer fonts for Khmer community.

Photo from KhmerForge.org

We could find not so many Khmer applications in Android market and all of them now developed by Nokor e-Solutions Group and provide for free as well.

What are the applications:


Khmer History

This application helps most Cambodians or foreigners understand about Khmer history.

Visit detail at Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.nokor.khmerhistory

Khmer Proverb / Khmer Sayings

Most of popular Khmer proverbs that most Cambodians say. The application has 3 languages: Khmer, English, French so that foreigners could understand those meaning as well.

Find in Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.nokor.khmerhistory

Khmer Talking Number

You may want to know how to read numbers in Khmer, let’s enjoy listening how to pronounce those numbers in Khmer. The application attach with the talking calculator that you can listen to your calculated results in Khmer.

Enjoy installing from Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.nokor.khmertalkingnumbers

Khmer Name Horoscope

It’s really for fun and some people may also interesting to know, how fortune with their names as well. For Cambodians, this kind of applications is really fun for them and we can find every where in paper or via website but now available in Android phone that you can enjoy seeing your name horoscope as well.

Checkout from Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.nokor.horoscope

Phone Number Horoscope

Cambodians influence by Chinese culture as well, so they are taking so seriously for any horoscope, even the phone number they want to buy. That’s why some phone numbers in Cambodia are very expensive than you expected in your country. You may also want to try at your country to check your phone number fortune as well.

Install this app from Android Market: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.nokor.phonehoroscope


Currently only 5 applications, you can find but better bookmark the link to check other new applications that may come soon: https://market.android.com/search?q=Nokor+e-Solutions+Group&so=1&c=apps