Likewise, people ask, why did Miss Maudie's house burn down? - She okay and unfazed with what happened. 2. What brave thing does Atticus do in Chapter 10? Short answer. Why are Scout and Jem shocked? 2. Miss Maudie takes the loss of her home in stride..... she even notes that it brings about other possibilities..... a smaller house. What brave thing does Atticus do in Chapter 10? What "disaster" happened at Christmas between Scout and Francis? Identify Cecil Jacobs. What really matters to her … What was her reaction? What "disaster" happened at Christmas between Scout and Francis? What "disaster" happened at Christmas between Scout and Francis? 2. 1. 2. Miss Maudie was attempting to keep her plants from freezing because of the cold weather and left the stove on. After Atticus Finch agrees to defend Tom Robinson, what is Scout told at school about him? He was a boy who made fun of scout at school because he said that Atticus defended black people and he got into a fight with her. The neighbors help her save her furniture, and the fire truck arrives in time to stop the fire from spreading to other houses, but Miss Maudie’s house burns to the ground. What was her reaction? Miss Maudie is unexpectedly cheery about her house being burnt down and says she wanted a smaller house anyway, because she always wanted a bigger garden. What happened to Miss Maudie's house? - Miss Maudie's house caught on fire and burned down. What happened to Miss Maudie's house? Identify Cecil Jacobs. What was her reaction? 2. Chapters 10-11. What kind of person is Cecil Jacobs? 3. Identify Cecil Jacobs. 1. 1. What disaster happened at Christmas between Scout and Francis? What was her reaction? What did Scout's Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus? Miss Maudie’s house is on fire. As always, she put her most optimistic foot forward and seemed not to mind too much. What happened to Miss Maudie's house? What did Scout's Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus? What was her reaction? Identify Cecil Jacobs. Jem and Scout spend most of the night outside. What happened to Miss Maudie's house? What was her reaction to what happened ? From this, we can infer that Miss Maudie is a strong individual, who prefers to look on the bright side of things. What happened to Miss Maudie’s house? What was her reaction? 5. Miss Maudie does not seem to mind the loss of her house very much, if at all.She does not bother over-much about material possessions. Identify Cecil Jacobs. 1. She also notes that the fire probably started because she kept a fire going that night to keep her … What was her reaction? Cecil Jacobs was a boy at Scout’s school who first made her aware that Atticus wasdefending a black man. What do we find out about Dill from Francis? When Atticus later asks her about it, she has no idea who put it over her. 2. As always, sheput her most optimistic foot forward and seemed not to mind too much. What "disaster" happened at Christmas between Scout and Francis? That evening Miss Maudie's house catches fire and is completely destroyed. 3. What brave thing does Atticus do in Chapter 10? Miss Maudie left fires going (for warmth) and her house burned down. What did Jem do when Mrs. Dubose said Atticus … 1. Chapters 10-11. In the confusion, someone drapes a blanket over Scout. Source(s) To Kill a Mockingbird What happened to Miss Maudie's house? What was her reaction? 6. Why are Scout and Jem shocked? Identify Cecil Jacobs. 3. 3. 4. She prefers to see the possibilities, rather than dwell on the tragedy. 3. Answered by Aslan on 12/13/2014 5:23 PM Miss Maudie's house burnt down. 3. What happened to Miss Maudie's house? Miss Maudie left fires going (for warmth) and her house burned down. What did Scout's Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus? Why are Scout and Jem shocked? Her house burnt down, but she wasn’t that sad because she never liked her house or being inside it, she just liked her garden. Asked by Michelle C #398303 on 12/13/2014 5:15 PM Last updated by Victor L #415144 on 1/7/2015 4:34 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. What happened to miss Maudie's house ? What happened to Miss Maudie's house?

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