This emphatical word occur in any other place in Qur’an. Adhering to Qur’an is not enough to guarantee our survival, because Qur’an only specifies very general rules, and has lots of ambiguous (Mutashabihat) verses which only Ahlul-Bayt know its true meaning: He is Who has revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture wherein are clear revelations, which are the Essence of the Book, and others (verses which are) ambiguous. Also the wording reported by al-Suyuti and Ibn al-Athir is as follows: Umm Salama said to the Holy Prophet: "Am I also one of them?”He replied: "No. In each occasion, the Prophet repeated his action in front of different wives so that they all realize who his Ahlul-Bayt are. (Qur’an 33:29). Some people assert that in order to be human, one SHOULD have some mistakes. The purpose of this lecture - "Invitation to the Shia: Who is the Ahl al-Bayt (Family of the Prophet?)" Yahya Ibn Sa’id Ansari says: Akrama is a compulsive liar. (three times)." and including the Prophet (S) himself, they will become fourteen individuals. There are other traditions in the Sunni collections in which the Prophet (S) has even mentioned the name of all these twelve individuals one by one. This contradicts the Shi’ite doctrine that Ahlul-Bayt are some selected individuals from the progeny of the Prophet (S). in Saudi Arabia, Arabic version, v4, p1873, Tradition #36. Surely if a murderer makes ablution, he will not cleans his crime by that, because the impurity caused by murder can not go away by ablution even though Allah sent down the verse 5:6. One can see that the author of Sahih Muslim confirms that: 1. Prophet (S). ", (2) Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Hanbal, v2, p772, Tradition #1361, (4) Amali, by Abu Nu’aym al-Isbahani, p64, (5) al-Kuna wal Asmaa, by al-Dulabi, v1, p88. The word "perfect”comes from the emphasis of Allah by "Tat’hiran”which has been used only in verse 33:33. Although the majority of traditions on this issue show that the last sentence of the verse 33:33 was revealed in the house of Umm Salama (as quoted earlier), the above tradition implies that it might have been revealed in the house of Safiyya. There are different degrees of Purification. The term "Those who are firmly grounded in knowledge”refers to Ahlul-Bayt. In fact Ahlul-Bayt are "Qur’an, the Speaker.”In another verse, Allah states: "Ask the people of Reminder (the possessors of the Message, i.e., Qur’an) if you do not know.”(Qur’an 21:7). Here is the Arabic text of above tradition given by Sahih al-Tirmidhi: نزلت هذه الآية على النبي "إنَّما يريدُ اللهَ...”في بيت أُم سلمه فدعا النبي فاطمه و حسناً و حسيناً فجعلهم بكسائه و علي خلف ظهره ثم قال: ألَّلهم هؤلاء أهل بيتي فاْذهب عنهم الرجس و طهرهم تطهيراً. The Most Envious, Background Of Enmity Of Aisha Against Imam ‘Ali (as), Sunni Feedback on the Issues of Infallibility and Ahlul-Bayt, Reference To Infallibility In Sahih Al-Bukhari, Reference To Infallibility In Sahih Al-Tirmidhi, Few Facts About The Twelve Imams Of Ahlul-Bait. A contributor claimed that there exists a tradition narrated by both Shi’a and Sunni which reads: "al-Salmanu minna Ahlal-Bayt”and translates to: "Salman (al-Farsi) is one of us, Ahlul-Bayt". A person who calls himself a Shi’a, but does not really obey the instructions of Ahlul-Bayt, is not any better than a Christian. Christians say you do not really have to obey to be saved. Part 2 The Long-Term Custom Of The Prophet After The Revelation Of The Purification Verse Those Who Protested Based On The Purification Verse To … Marriage. The testimony of three wives of the Prophet (Aisha, Umm Salama, and Safiyya) leaves us no room but to believe that the Ahlul-Bayt at the time of the Prophet were no more than five individuals: Prophet Muhammad, Lady Fatimah, Imam ‘Ali, al-Hasan, and al-Husayn (Peace be upon them all). The site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. ", (1) Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v1, pp 84,86, (7) Yanabi’ al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p149. Again Allah is threatening the wives of the Prophet that they will receive a double punishment if they have misconduct, while giving glad tidings that the good wives of the Prophet will receive twice reward. pass this over and (O wife of Aziz!) قالت أمُّ سلمه: و أنا معهم يا نبي الله؟ قال أنتِ على مكانك و أنتِ إلى خير. Even Qur’an confirms that some of the wives of the Prophet might have been wrong-doers: But if you seek Allah and His Apostle and the Home of the Hereafter verily Allah has prepared for the well-doers amongst you a great reward. Side Comments: Responses To Sunni Brothers, The Enemies of Islam as Depicted in Nahjul Balagha, The Opinion of the Prophet About Who Hurts Fatimah. If the author of Sahih Muslim believed that the wives of the Prophet were included in Ahlul-Bayt, he would have quoted some traditions about them in this section. So Ahlul-Bayt are not just those five, and Imam al-Mahdi is the last member of Ahlul-Bayt, but he was not born at the time of the Prophet so that he could take him into the Cloak as well! Sunni Reference: - Sahih Muslim, Chapter of the virtues of the companions, section of the virtues of Ali, 1980 Edition Pub. After reading my article on the necessity of following Ahlul-Bayt, a Sunni brother asked me what exactly following Ahlul-Bayt means, and if there is anything which is taught by the Imams and not explained by the Prophet himself? Isn’t it shameful that he (as) should be born to a slave-girl? Also it is apparent from above authentic tradition that the Prophet himself excluded his wives from Ahlul-Bayt. 11, section 1, p220. Moreover, the reason that we brought the Tradition of Aisha is that this is a tradition which is reported in Sahih Muslim and the Sunnis can not dispute its authenticity. Moreover, which scholar of Arabic language can we find better than the Messenger of Allah? Most Sunnis are in the opinion that the Ahlul-Bayt of the Prophet (S) are: • Fatimah al-Zahra (sa) (the daughter of the Messenger of Allah). Did Imam al-Husayn (as) Know He Would Be killed? If the Prophet (S) would consider Umm Salama among Ahlul-Bayt, he would surely have entered her to the cloak and would have prayed for her perfect purity as well. Based on the opinion of the Sunni scholars including Ibn Hajar, it is quite possible that the verse was revealed more than once. IMPORTANT : All content hosted on is solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. Also at the end of the verse, Allah states "and purify you a PERFECT purification.”The word "perfect”comes from the emphasis of "Tat’hiran". 2. It is worth mentioning the sentence of Qur’an in verse 33:33 which is related to purification of Ahlul-Bayt, has been placed at the middle of verses related to the wives of the Prophet (S), and this was the main reason why some Sunnis include the wives of the Prophet in Ahlul-Bayt. Ahlul Bayt have been delineated in the Quran (Surah 33, Ayah 33) and purified by Allah (Most High) from sin, religious error, or forgetfulness (Ismah). As we have already pointed out, only five members of Ahlul-Bayt were alive at the time of the Prophet (S). ", Sunni reference: Tafsir al-Tabari, v22, p7 under the commentary of verse 33:33. (Qur’an 33:30), But any of you that is devout in the service of Allah and His Apostle and works righteousness to her shall We grant her reward twice, and We have prepared for her a generous Sustenance. What kind of rhetoric is this? ), Subject: Abu Huraira (Part 1: A confession? It is the Grace of Allah that attracts His servants towards Him, WITHOUT compelling them any way. Again, if we suppose that the only meaning of "min”is "one of", then the saying of the Prophet will become: "Husayn is one of me and I am one of al-Husayn.". Then the Prophet (S) spread his cloak over them, and raised his hand (toward sky) saying: "O Allah! There are numerous traditions in the collection of both schools that the Prophet (S) has reminded us to stick to these two weighty things (al-Thaqalain), namely Qur’an and Ahlul-Bayt, in order not to go astray after him. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani quoting from Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and others, wrote: In the season of Hajj Akrama came to Africa, and said: It would be very dear to me if I were at Hajj at this moment, I would have had swords in both my hands, and I would massacre the Muslims. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project, The Long-Term Custom Of The Prophet After The Revelation Of The Purification Verse, Those Who Protested Based On The Purification Verse To Prove The Virtues Of The Holy Family, Explanation Sahih Al-Bukhari On Verse 66:5, The Best Wife Of The Prophet Vs. I should even say that there is no truth in what you said. Allah is advisor, and encourager, and warner. Woe unto those who deny their virtues and those who disregard their relationship and affinity with me, for my intercession shall never reach them. Also they are the only individuals who can be trusted for the correct interpretation of the Qur’anic verses as pointed in Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet (S). And in this way they do what they wish to do. The Messenger of Allah also informed us that these two weights are non-separable and are with each other till the day of Judgment. The word "thus”in the highlighted part means that the Prophet himself is CONCLUDING that the verse means Ahlul-Bayt are sinless. Did The Prophet (S) Present The Land To Fatimah (sa) ? But you mentioned you do not obey them. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. Do I Need To Comment On Wahabi Scholarship? Another contributor commented that if based on Sunni references we quoted, Ahlul-Bayt are the Prophet, Fatimah, Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husain, then how can you include the nine descendants of al-Husain? They clear up confusing things and events that may happen in each era. They explain/elaborate Shari’ah (Divine law) for people. According to Sunni opinion, the term includes the wives and dependants of Muhammad, as it addresse… (Qur’an 3:7). Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (as), The Knowledge of The Unseen & The Knowledge of The Book, Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam ‘Ali (as), The Major Difference Between the Shi’a and the Sunni, The Events That Imam ‘Ali (as) Reminded The Tradition, A More Detailed Speech Of Prophet At The Pond Of Khum, The Chains (Asnad) Of Narrations Of Ghadir Khum, Sunni Traditionists Who Mentioned The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum, Sunni Commentators Of Qur’an Who Mentioned Ghadir Khum, Sunni Historians Who Mentioned The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum, The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum Is Parallel (Mutawatir), The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum Is Authentic (Sahih), The Companions Who Narrated The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum, The Prophet Announcing His Successor in His First Preach, The Opinion of Imam ‘Ali (as) on Caliphate, Sermon 7 of Nahjul Balagha: Survey of the Period After The Demise Of The Holy Prophet (S). These 12 Imams will cover till the day of resurrection as Sahih Muslim testifies. The Shi’a believe that all the narrators in the chain of a document should have been just. The first part is true. Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? (Qur’an 33:31). In fact, Akrama was a slave of the son of Ibn Abbas. If you think this is adding an incorrect meaning to the Arabic language, then I would ask you to quote one example where a scholar of Qur’an, Arabic grammar, and literature claims that committing sin is a sign of purity!!! However, Allah has GUARANTEED to show the Right Path and to provide a pure life for those who seek it: Whoever works righteousness man or woman and is faithful, We shall revive a PURE life for him. We quoted from the authentic Sunni collections that, The Messenger of Allah recited "Verily Allah intends to keep off from you every kind of uncleanness O’ People of the House (Ahlul- Bayt), and purify you a perfect purification". The above verse (5:6) also tells us by ablution one can become cleansed. Shi`ites, in contrast with Sunnis, believe that the Prophet’s family (or ahlul-bayt) was especially pious and knowledgeable, and therefore most qualified to assume leadership of the Muslim community after the Prophet’s death in 632. Muslim (the Author) did not put any other tradition in this section (section of the virtues of Ahlul-Bayt). Sunni, Sunnis, Ahl us Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah. Please check the traditions narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari on the misconduct Aisha and Hafsa, some of which I provided in Parts IV through VIII of the article of "Who are Ahlul-Bayt?”and then let me know what you think of them? Q5) The Shi’a state that the mother of Imam Mahdi (as) was a bondwoman. People who are familiar with Qur’an to some extent, know that such a sharp change of addressee is not a weird-thing, and it has been applied to several places in Qur’an. 11, sec. The verse of Qur’an tells us that Ahlul-Bayt are perfectly pure. In the above verse, "O wife of Aziz”has not been mentioned and the address to Joseph (as) looks to continue. The purification sentence in Qur’an (the last sentence of Verse 33:33) was revealed for the virtue of the above-mentioned individuals, and NOT for the wives of the Prophet (S). How could this imply that they are flawless/sinless? • Sahih Muslim, Chapter of virtues of companions, section of the virtues of the Ahlul-Bayt of the Prophet (S), 1980 Edition Pub. Brief Notes On Some Of Those Who Martyred In Kufa And Karbala, Subject: A Poem For The Fortieth Day Of Martyrdom (Arbaeen), Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 1, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 2, The Events That Transpired With Muslim B. Aqil, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 3, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 4, The Journey, The Martrydom And Other Events, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 5, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 6, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 7, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 8, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 9, Evidences From Qur’an And The Sunni Commentaries, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 2: Evidences From the Sunni Hadith Collections, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 3: Evidences From the Sunni History-Fiqh-Miscellanea Books, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 4: Some Contradicting Reports, 1- Having pleasure and enjoying the other partner, 3- Providing an alternative way to avoid the sin of fornication, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 6: Similarities and Differences of Mut’a and Regular Marriage, 1) Temporary Marriage is NOT Necessarily A Sex Relationship, 2) Mut’a With Sex Is Strongly Discouraged For A Virgin Girl, 5) The Length Of The Waiting Period (Iddah), Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 7: The Necessities and the Advantages of Mut’a, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 8: Some Frequently Asked Questions on Mut’a, Head of the Al-Azhar University on Permissibility of Following "Al-Shi’a Al-Imamiyyah”School of Thought, The Opinion Of The Four Sunni Schools Of Law, Tawassul - Supplicating Allah Through And Intermediary. Khawarij said exactly the same thing! For instance, al-Bukhari recorded that: The Prophet (S) said to ‘Ali: "You are from me, and I am from you". Did The Prophet (S) Present The Land To Fatimah (sa) ? 36, Tradition #4271 (narrated by Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet). Is Being a Member of a Party Forbidden in Islam? Another contributor commented that if based on Sunni references we quoted, Ahlul-Bayt are the Prophet, Fatimah, ‘Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husayn, then how can you include the nine descendants of al-Husayn? Is Being a Member of a Party Forbidden in Islam? ), Subject: Jews/Christians/Muslims (Part 2: Hiding the Truth), The Ahl al-Sunnah View of Ibn Taymiya and his Works, The Stories About Abdullah Ibn Saba Which Do NOT Have Any Source Or Any Chain Of Transmitters, Reports About Abdullah Ibn Saba Which Were NOT Transmitted Through Sayf Ibn Umar, Al-Saba’iya And The Multiple Personality Of Ibn Saba, 3) Qur’an Speaks: Return of the Prophet (S), Attacking Two of Most Beloved Companions of the Prophet (S) and Their Disciples, Few Reasons Behind The Revolt Against Uthman, Short Summary Of Comparing Reports On The Character Of Abdullah Ibn Saba, The Companions and the Jewish Influence Part 1, Ka’b Al-Ahbar Counts The Days Of The Caliph Umar, The Companions and the Jewish Influence Part 2, The Companions and the Jewish Influence Part 3, Kumayl’s Invocation and other Supplications, The Supplications for the Days of the Week, Lessons From the Prophet and the Imams of Ahlul-Bayt: Excerpts from Usul al-Kafi, Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Arabic-English Version, Part 1, Pp 30-31, Tradition #11 (Part 2), Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", First Part Of The Tradition #12 (Part 3), Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 (Part 4), Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 (Part 5), Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 (Part 6), Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 - Majority Vs. Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. One meaning for the saying of the Prophet (S) who said: "Husayn is from me and I am from al-Husayn,”is that al-Husayn is attached to him and he is attached to al-Husayn. To answer this question, we would like to ask: Isn’t sin a kind of impurity? This latter claim can be proven by the authentic traditions of the Sunnis from Sihah Sittah in which the Prophet mentioned who Ahlul-Bayt are; and also by comparing the specifications of Ahlul-Bayt given in the verse of Qur’an with the behavior of the some of the wives of the Prophet mentioned in Sihah Sittah to prove the contrary. Allah sates: O you who believe! These are the Members of my House (Ahlul-Bayt). The site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. Then it is extended in all its meanings to include all 12 of the holy Imams. History. Referring to the tradition narrated by Aisha where the Messenger of Allah named the members of his house, a Sunni brother commented that Aisha is by no means a trusted source of Hadith for the Shi’a. Some other Sunnis are very generous and include all the descendants of Abbas (the Abbasid) as well as the descendants of Aqil & Ja’far (the two brothers of Imam ‘Ali) to the list. Allah would have said, "all of you will receive a great reward". As we have pointed out, following Ahlul-Bayt means to inquire about the Sunnah of the Prophet (S) only through them. What can be understood from the verse ALONE is that Allah is changing His address (which was exclusively the wives of the Prophet at the beginning of the verse) to some people who include some male members, and may or may not include the wives of the Prophet. Lady Fatimah (sa) protests against Abu Bakr’s Actions, A Short History of Fadak after the Martyrdom of Fatimah (sa), To Make Angry The Progeny Of The Holy Prophet, What The Prophet Said About Those Who Fight, Hate, Or Abuse His Ahlul-Bayt, Muawiyah Instituting The Curse Of Imam ‘Ali (as), More Sunni References On The Mischief Of Muawiyah, Muawiyah And The Origin Of The Word "Al-Jama’ah", Development of History and Hadith Collections, Death of Khadija and of Abu Talib (10th Year Of Revelation), Surah 58 - The Pleading One (Mujadilah) - Verse 22, Surah 4 - Women (Surah Al Nisa)- Verses 139 And 144, Surah 3 - The Family Of Imran (Surah Ale Imran) - Verse 28, Surah 9 - Repentance - Verses 23 And 80 (Surah Baarat), Abu Talib’s (May Allah Bless His Soul) Last Breath, Subject: The Personality Of Uthman (Part 1: Was There No Better Man? which means he is our agent and is attached to us Ahlul-Bayt. in Saudi Arabia, Arabic version, v4, p1873, Tradition #36. Don’t you reflect? The members of my family are more deserving. However the nine descendants of Imam al-Husayn were not alive at that time so that the Prophet could not cover them by his mantle! Sunni Feedback on the Issues of Infallibility and Ahlul-Bayt (2) If the Allah threatened Aisha and Hafsa by divorce, because they backed each other against the Prophet (PBUH&HF), then how can we render them as pure? Is the Prophet violating the Arabic language? I also would like to remind you there have been some prophets in the past that some of their wives were not pious. In one tradition, according to which Muhammad's companion Salman al-Farsi is included as a member, it is used to distinguish from the muhajirin (Muslim emigrants from Mecca) and Ansar (Medinan converts to Islam). Brief Notes On Some Of Those Who Martyred In Kufa And Karbala, Subject: A Poem For The Fortieth Day Of Martyrdom (Arbaeen), Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 1, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 2, The Events That Transpired With Muslim B. Aqil, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 3, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 4, The Journey, The Martrydom And Other Events, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 5, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 6, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 7, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 8, Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 9, Evidences From Qur’an And The Sunni Commentaries, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 2: Evidences From the Sunni Hadith Collections, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 3: Evidences From the Sunni History-Fiqh-Miscellanea Books, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 4: Some Contradicting Reports, 1- Having pleasure and enjoying the other partner, 3- Providing an alternative way to avoid the sin of fornication, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 6: Similarities and Differences of Mut’a and Regular Marriage, 1) Temporary Marriage is NOT Necessarily A Sex Relationship, 2) Mut’a With Sex Is Strongly Discouraged For A Virgin Girl, 5) The Length Of The Waiting Period (Iddah), Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 7: The Necessities and the Advantages of Mut’a, Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 8: Some Frequently Asked Questions on Mut’a, Head of the Al-Azhar University on Permissibility of Following "Al-Shi’a Al-Imamiyyah”School of Thought, The Opinion Of The Four Sunni Schools Of Law, Tawassul - Supplicating Allah Through And Intermediary. Ibadi, Ahl al-Istiqama (the people of straightness). ", Sunni reference: Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, pp 351,663. Ahlul-Bayt have exceptional virtues that no other pious person after the Prophet would possess them in the world, which are according to Qur’an: sinlessness, flawlessness and perfect purity. A Sunni mentioned that saying ‘we have respect for the pious wives among the wives of the Prophet’ indicate that you consider some of them to be otherwise! If one claims the love of Ahlul-Bayt, but he does not obey their instructions, then he is only fooling his own soul. In fact, the Sunnis do not have one voice in specifying the Members of the House the Prophet. This reminds me of what Imam ‘Ali said to al-Khawarij when they said what is highlighted above! Sunni reference: Asbab al-Nuzool, by al-Wahidi, p239. This is the only place in Qur’an that Allah uses the emphasis of "PERFECT purification". For instance we read in Qur’an: "O Joseph! O Lord! According to the above verse, Allah expresses his intention to keep Ahlul-Bayt pure and flawless/sinless, and what Allah intends it will certainly take place as Qur’an itself testifies (see 16:40). (7) Adab by al-Bukhari, also al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, as quoted in: (8) al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami, Ch. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal says: Sa’id Ibn Jubair (one of the narrators in the chain)is not an authority and this Hadith is not a reliable Hadith. Also notice that Umm Salama (ra) who is the virtuous wife of the Prophet is the narrator of the tradition to his son and gives the testimony that who Ahlul-Bayt are.

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