Maelstrom Arena is the solo version of DSA, the four player based arena combat. The first time I did this on my sorcerer, I got Rekt and stage 5 and the final boss killed me time after time after time after time, and that was when sorcs shields lasted 20 seconds, critical surge could grant 20K heals, and Overload was OP. Boss: This is a DPS race and if you fall behind you're in trouble. One of the big differences between November 2015 and now is that veteran players will have very different builds and capabilities than newer players. It's totally possible and I was kind of surprised that stuff still died pretty quick. The adds will combine with the boss and heal him so take the first two out (passively, your ground AoEs and maybe a good single target DoT is enough). If you are on the island with two sigals. Bonus: it will also reflect the two trolls rock attacks that spawn afterward. The big threat in this stage are the Spheres. and thus think a lot of damage is missing when it's really being mitigated. Setup 1. Can be complicated if you do not. It's basically death unless you spam a shield (the poison is also a huge heal debuff). These are incredibly powerful, are available every single round of every single stage, and can carry decent players through the challenges vMA throws. I'd love to say ignore the summoner, but if some of your wipes are because of a bone colossus, you CANT. The speed sigil is right there. This build is specifically made for people that want to avoid swapping weapons all the time. It's hard to describe what I do to kill them, but if you look at my video below, you can see that even with just 300 CP and meh gear, I don;t have a problem killing them. Valkyn Skoria is great for this because it is a good DPS set and has the health bonus you need. There's no RNG here, everything targets you - everything stacks so you can't target what you need to, and conveniently enough, everything stuns you at exactly the right moment when the AoE hits. With the above two in mind, I like Inferno / Resto staff. Gets complicated if you don't. Period. Now to perfect my own mechanics to try for some scores. You will be granted points every time you complete an arena. You can't heal or block things to death. Believe it or not, that's the whole fight.So what kills you then? Do you DPSing next to the shield sigil. Magicka. You need to to three things, the order in which you do them depends on where the gold ghost spawns. Two-Hand I don't think is popular, but it has an execute, a burst heal, Carve is *really* good with a Master's Weapon, it's totally doable if that's your preferred style. I know the likely hood of somebody responding to this is low but I've scoured damn near every corner of the internet and can't find any answers, HOW DO YOU QUEUE VETERAN MODE, I've done maelstrom arena around 5-6 times, but cannot find out how to enter it on the harder dificulty, and before you tell me to press 'P' key, I am on Xbox, dungeon finder doesnt include vMA, So it's the closest thing to a Dark Souls level in this game. Resto offer Mutagen, which makes you even more tanky. Do *not* stand in the water for any length of time unless you enjoy 9k shock damage. Generally I block the skull attacks if I'm not near a red circle. Vampire vs. Werewolf vs. Mortal 6. vMA (and for me all Instanced areas) begins to lag noticeably the longer I am in it. CG should die passively. Sometimes you'll forget to damage/attack the archers and mages while you are desperately blocking, shielding, and dodging the multiple melee adds. is a really good 5 piece. The poison plants that spawn under the shield! A lot going for this class. Don't waste your soul gems. You can't just execute him. Other Important Info (Food, Mundus, Race, Potions, Passives) 3. NightbladeAdvice: I actually ran my first Nightblade run a few months ago. I think people who clear this in under an hour forget that vMA is easy for them, not for folks who are struggling so much that their frustrations unfortunately carry over to the people they are living with. Sigils will re-spawn between each round within an arena, so don't be afraid to use them! Gather 3 of them and you can stun everything on the screen and turn a wipe into a win. One the third set of adds spawns, ignore them and burn down the boss. Faster times net increased point gains. Sap Essence is a strong skill. We've all been there. I also recommend tri-pots once you can get past the top crystals consistently … do NOT start using tripots the first time you get here because it will be a waste of expensive assets and I'm telling you right now they will not prevent you from constant wipes. Be serious, vMA was the reason im not playing this shit of game anymore. You probably have Twisting Path. This one shots any glass cannon that isn't a warded sorcerer. The fire-spinner needs to die ASAP (even before the totem). Stage Six: Spider Daedra.This round is also hard and not going to lie, the boss is pain because it does a lot of unavoidable damage and there is an automatic "you lose" mechanic. Nothing is more important than getting the ghost ghosts if you are going the non-burn route. Of course, you always want to use destro ultimate, however Light's Champion is a great “oh crap” button. DPS the boss a little and grab the haste. The other attack is lethal; it will shake and fire 5 lightning spheres. When the adds spawn, they have high damaging lighting attacks. Just heavy attack the remaining crystals. Change a glyph (I recommend recovery, there's downtime in vMA), go Atronach, do something. In retrospect, I think a lot of my failings were L2P issues. Huge mistake. Occasionally she'll stay at range and do this scream thing: get your resources back! As of October 2017, the weapons are part of their own Set which can consist of 1 piece or 2 piece bonuses. You will begin to wipe on round 2 and you will wipe a lot until you learn the cadence of the fight and how to deal with the CC nightblades and Crematorium Guards. Even if you have a Crematorium Guard chasing you, get the ghost. Regular RoundsThe majority of your opponents are ranged mages and little Dwemer spiders. Kill the troll. I recommend heavy attacking the hag so you have full resources for boss. The key to this fight is the boss destroys the ice and the adds spawn based on health. Kill summoner. It is a contest without allies and without mercy. When boss around 55% or so, second adds appear. It has two difficulties (Normal and Veteran) and you are … Best time to grab it is when you are low on ultiamte and when it's running low, make your way to the Heal sigil just in case you need an extra boost. You must be logged in to post a comment. End of story. But don't go overboard here. Finally, if you know you are running low on resources, the best thing to do is heavy attack the crystals, get some resources back and jump off. You keep them dewebbed by killing the webspinners that try to web your open ones up. If you game because you are competitive and like a challenge, that's why you should do vMA. That is what is killing you. Also there will be weekly rankings where players have chance of getting gold rewards if they are the top 100 score of their class. Four:Easier. The mini bosses also start being a pain. While you are attacking the add, the boss will catch up to you and try to unleash hard-hitting and stunning melee attacks. Go to the 2 sigal island, grab the power boost. Precise Regeneration. This, quite frankly, is a step not everyone is comfortable taking. My advice: Inferno for stages 1 and 9, Mutagen for stage 2, Dragonfire Scales for stages 3-8. It's hard to maximize the bear since you're going to be too busy trying not to die rather than using it whenever you get 75 ultimate accumulated against the correct target. With just generic gear and the alliance War Blue potions (I am both too lazy to switch my "BiS" gear from character to character and cheap), I missed a flawless run by a stupid plant spawn in Stage 7. Your back bar should be bow and you NEED Poison Injection, Caltrops, Endless Hail, and Dark Deal. It's a stun, snare, and it's not easy to CC break and dodge the skull the boss throws at you. I did use power sigils at certain points as there's only so much 300 CPs with meh gear and no spellpower potions can do, but I believe that's precisely why Zenimax included the sigils: so people with a middling build who don't have the greatest twitch reflexes can still beat vMA. It does take good DPS to do, though not strictly necessary. Stop using expensive spellpower and weapon power potions when you are dying trying to learn a strategy. If there is only one, heavy attack it. Another potential complication: resource mamagements: If you are running out of resources, then some reexamination needs to be done. There is a pattern to this that you will get that basically involves moving from side to side and keeping the camera on the boss so you know when to dodge (or block) the skulls. Note: the archer's conal Acid Spray attack. When the argonians spawn, immediately deal with them. The drops are RNG based, with a chance to get any weapon in any trait each time you beat vMA. Really, really, really, really try to do this first. It is up before you take damage. Once you get use to the rhythm, it's not a stressful fight and you'll clear it without too much difficulty. You'll also want to pay particular attention to your surroundings as there may be ways to use the environment or certain features to your advantage. This will be an EXPENSIVE undertaking and you don't want to waste your resources when you are wiping because you have not developed a strategy yet. Ground DoTs + signle target DoTs back on boss. You need that be on the island with two sigals for last phase. In order to get the weapons found in the Maelstrom Arena, you need to complete it on Veteran difficulty and you will get a random weapon in the chest after you beat the final boss.. You will get … Thanks for the detailed write-up! Don't forget you have them! I cannot confirm this but if you know you are way behind clearing the obelisks it's worth a shot]. Grab it just before you deal with a fire spinny mage if your ultimate is up. The mini-bosses, however, are dangerous and have mechanics that you have to know. Also of note, the ogres enrage and do very high melee DPS. Grab it, and prioritize killing the Crematorium Guard while avoiding the Lich Crystals. If I made a mistake (and they are quite a few of them! Caltrops is strong. If you can get your hands on it, Vicious Ophidian set is very good for this content because while it isn't "best in slot" for DPS, it offers strong versatility, which is exactly what my guide advocates. No matter what you wear, you want to have at least 17K health (preferably 18K) and somewhere in the neighborhood of 1300ish magicka recovery (I'm not much of a stamina player so I'm not sure of the sweet spot). 1-CP160. VMA was cleared way back when 20K was considered a lot. Once the daedroth is down, you just have the boss to deal with and the healer. If you are having trouble with the lurcher, I'd recommend the healing sigil. Wait until CG spawns. It isn't easy but once you get the hang of it, you will succeed more often that you die. Use the defense buff instead. Advanced players can get away without that Mushroom Heal. You'd like to destroy the three crystals in one go but that's going to be require disciplined and correct play; just another mechanic that requires getting used to. While equipped grants 190 additional Spell Damage. So are harness magicka and blade cloak. Templar Specific advice: I believe the best Templar skill for this content is Reflective Light (get this morph. It doesn't take long at all to get accustomed to the rhythm of these rounds and you will find most of the times you die is by carelessly going near a poison plant. Elder Scrolls Online Necromancer Maelstrom Arena Build for the Elsweyr expansion. She does a lot of melee damage - even to max CP players - so this fight is going to seem hard at first. Ultimate or shield sigil! Note: the rock tosses are reflectable. In essence you had to do all this at the same time: That's a lot for an inexperienced player. another *****in thing in the game that caters to the elite gamers! Recent Comments. Now they can be AoEd together. As long as you block the Uppercut and don;t stand in red, they go down easily enough provided your ground DoTs make short work of the regular mobs. The tactics I used were not meant to get the highest score, rather the path of least resistance so to speak. He's a gatekeeper of sorts, meant to let you know "if you can't beat me, you have no shot at completing this." The archer adds are high damage, but since you have access to the defensive sigil, you can neutralize them every round. The Wamasu in round 3 has two attacks that can kill you pretty much instantly. The boss burning rotation standard is as followed: Endless Hail+Light Attack+Caltrops+Light Attack+Poison Injection+Light Attack+Bar Switch+Light Attack+Rend+Light Attack+(Flurry+Light Attack)*5+Reactivate Hurricane and Deadly Cloak+Repeat whole process=Success. 4. There really isn't much in ESO that can challenge a high CP player except 12 man trials and PvP. The Maelstrom Arena is the Hardest solo content in ESO. He will split off adds, one in first phase, one in second phase, two in third phase, if you get to a fourth phase, then you need to rethink you approach. Once you develop a strategy, you will wonder how it was you died so many times before. Most of your attacks are going to be single target (favoring Inferno). I found destro ultimate better than the bear. Yup, your class, so esse… Leeching Vines + Harness Magicka is such a strong combination that you can rely on Mushrooms as a legit burst heal option. You will get Rekt repeatedly. Attributes 3. Poison Injection is also fantastic. Since I skimmed through and didnt see/probably passed stamina class advice, I'd like to note a few tips for us stam sorcs: 1. Once the original two hand boss is dead, kill that Ogrim quickly, you don;t want it alive when the next wave spawns: a Crematorium Guard + a soul tethering NB. You can just concentrate on boss and execute her (though if a troll sneaks in there, kill it. It's not like you can't slot Elemental Blockade on your front bar and equip a damage glyph on a backbar resto staff. Again just reapply the ground Dots and move ahead of the boss to deal with mage. Hitting three targets is better than hitting one). Every single person who has come onto these forums saying they can't DPS the crystals down has not used enough DoTs and relied too much on Force Pulse, Surprise Attack, and such. (These tips are for players who can not parse over 30k dps as it's gonna be hard for them to burn bosses down), Can someone edit a shorter version of this, aint no body got time to read the authors first chapter on Eso, Totally ruined these weapons when you took away the weapon dmg pointless, should at least change the skills most of them work off. Much of your DPS and sustain is going to come from heavy attacking. For the mini-bosses, you need to destroy a totem first. I think the people who say that just happen to either be shielding instinctively or using skills that heal while you DPS (which you should be doing!) Sweeeet. Kill archer. On this round I really really really find using a restoration staff on a magicka build extremely helpful because 40K shield that refills your health bar is really strong and you're only going to have 1 Destro ultimate. That's just the way it was. Cutting Dive is a skill located in the Animal Companions (which can be found in the Warden skill tree). I am a bit out of practice and it's been a long time since I've had 300 CPs, but if I can get a 400K score on a class that isn't considered strong for this content, then I think that undermines the claims made by some (frustrated) players that vMA is inaccessible to the masses of the ESO community. Grab the haste sigil; you need speed and stamina. They are scary but it is totally manageable if you have allow your passive DoTs to do their thing. For DKs, I'd go Inferno though. The most dangerous attack comes from the mage adds who have the spinny fire twirl that is *not* reflected by the defensive sigil. The first wall is slow, move to the Crystal just ahead of it and do your DPS there. The PvPish build relies on great single target burst and a restoration back-bar for heals. The Crushing Wall Destruction Staff from Maelstrom Arena is another strong way to buff our heavy attacks just by using Wall Of Elements. You want to do that as quickly as possible because the Crematorium Guards spawn on a timer. The biggest difference I noticed between this 300 CP run and my regular build is that I was taking a lot more damage. and don't fret too much because it really doesn't matter. You can use them to kill the dumb summoner. Sigil of Power: Grants increased weapon power. You can also obtain unique weapon and jewelry sets in Veteran Maelstrom Arena, similar to Veteran Dragonstar Arena. This is piece of***** developing from piece of***** developers. A very strong Magicka Sorcerer VMA Build that will help you complete the Veteran maelstrom Arena with ease and farm its weapons. As long as you dodge out of it, you should be fine. Learning this will make you cry and want to quit ESO. You deweb them by killing the horvors near them (you can interact with the grenade and throw it at a webbed obelisk ala White Gold Tower, but a high damaging AOE will spawn under you making this something best avoided). Neried is also a range attacker so she can be ignored as well). In ZoS's mind, 129 Magicka recovery is equivalent to 129 Spell damage. You *cannot* clear these stages without recognizing priority threats. Weapon (Lightning Staff) Bind on Pickup. You probably going to doubt what I say here when you get to stage 5 for the first time and get Rekt repeatedly and then again on the last boss, when he kills you dozens and dozens and dozens of times. Before Morrowind, I would have said have at it in vMA with your heavy armor blockcasting PvP build. Drain single mobs when not under threat. Five: Crematorium Guard and a soul-thethering NB spawn at the start. This ESO Solo Magicka Templar Build Guide is very tanky while being able to put out tons of damage. Immediately head toward the Defensive Sigil. Using a gold ghost explosion is highly recommended, although not always available. If a second Daedroth spawns, you took too long. Kill them while kiting boss. Attack them from behind or have a shield up / prepare to roll dodge away. Once you free up a slot, always slot Inferno. If you think about it, you'll actually be doing more DPS on boss this way since he'll be damaging himself so it's not a big deal if the boss gets a ghost. ****Incoming Difficulty Spike****** Stage Five: Ice flowsThe water has a large freezing DoT. You'll need the magicka sustain. I have found that depending on too many or precise bar switching to be more trouble than it's worth, at least before your first clear. Take the Endless Fury morph.

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