Interestingly, Gesundheit, the German response to a sneeze, is also the most common expression for English speakers who prefer not to say “bless you.” It simply means “health,” which is used in a number of languages when someone sneezes (makes sense). Others believed that our hearts stop when we sneeze, so we say “God bless you,” as thanks to God, for surviving. I said God help me understand what you mean by this, I google “I long to bless you..” to somehow get a deeper meaning and a website popped up and as I read it I did not get any kind of peace reading it. If you're so moved, you can also offer a validating or concerned ‘bless your heart' in return. WARNING graphic images!! I would say "you too," I don't think it sounds rude at all. God bless (you)! EXPLANATION: When someone sneezes in the United States, more often than not someone else says “Bless you!” The phrase first originated as “God bless you.” PROPER RESPONSE: “Thank you!” Below are just a few of the multiple possibilities for its origins and no one is exactly sure of the right answer. So if you find yourself searching for a better way to answer, maybe even Googling ‘how to respond to thank you’ we’ve got […] I often cringe when someone declares, “God told me.” I hear it frequently — in sermons, private conversations and from clients in my counseling office. If you need to blow your nose, leave the area to prevent grossing others out by the disgusting sound. In … Learn more. When someone does give a response, he or she might say 百岁 (bǎisuì). God’s blessings should humble you. not only when you sneeze but as a salutation. Your email address will not be published. Let it be a humbling thought. :lol: I dont think there is a right or wrong answer for anyone who says God bless to you!! It is not wrong to say … The next time a sneeze brings about that familiar response, “bless you”, let’s remember how blessed it is to call upon God for his blessing, and to seek him to bless those around us. it's just a habit of English. But you said, “When someone says, “God bless you,” what I want to say is: “He has. Big blessings should be answered with big praise, gifts, surrender, etc. We are all needy in different ways. God bless you (variants include God bless or bless you) is a common English expression generally used to wish a person blessings in various situations, especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction. being in rural VA i do have customers who still say 'have a blessed day' or 'bless you', etc. You can bless someone when you will their good under the invocation of God. Do you “render again according to the benefit done” unto you? Saying “bless you” when someone sneezes has to be up there with the best of them. As a regular church goer (C of E) with Christian in-laws, I hear "God bless you" regularly. God damn bless you. When someone says god bless you after I sneeze, they rarely (if ever) actually mean GOD bless you. One time I caught her saying "bless you" to a TV character. definition: 1. said when saying goodbye to someone, to say that you hope good things will happen to them : 2…. We should respond appropriately to God’s blessings. (2 John 1:10-11 King James Version) Bidding someone "God speed" is like saying "God Bless You" to them. I’m going to antagonize some folks with this article; please read it all the way through before firing off an angry phone call or email. I work in retail and sometimes customers say this to me when I’ve finished serving them. I said let me google again and boom, your post popped up and with every word the peace of God guided me and it spoke to EXACTLY what I was in conversation with to God … As far as i know there isn't a 'correct' response so long as its polite I would go with what you feel most comfortable with. How to Respond When Someone Says “God Told Me” By Donald Ibbitson. I know that they mean it to be a very kind gesture and as a compliment, but I’m an atheist and I … Numbers 6:24), and by Christians, since the time of the early Church as a … :dunno[1]: I said, 'Thankyou' automatically, this was when the vicar was blessing our child at communion. Say, "Excuse me" after you finish sneezing. Before the parents have any time to react another lady interrupts him. It's a signe of … Don’t react to obvious slights. When a kind stranger sees a sick old man sneezing and says bless you, I'll look at them with a face filled with disgust and fear at the same time, and I'll muster all the strength left in my old body and make a break for it, but after one step, without anyone noticing ill pull a lighter and light those motherfucking garments sending my soul to the stars in a blaze of glory. Hahhaha, as a Catholic, I've learned that if I don't know the correct response 'And also with you' usually suffices, Thanks for all your replies and God Bless you all. Praise Humbly. When ignoring is not an option and you have to respond, consider the following: Don’t fight fire with fire. After listening to her, you may say, “You thought it was okay to share my problem with others so they could pray for me,” or “You felt hurt by my response to you.” That doesn’t mean your friend is right. I think it comes from the Middle Ages, when a sneeze could mean the Black Plague, and then death. "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." I respond "you to" on most occasions and occasionally "God bless you to". Wash your hands as soon as possible after you finish sneezing to prevent spreading germs to others. "Thank you", literally means "I wish God will bless you". The appropriate response to ‘bless my heart' is usually a sympathetic nod of the head. This is the nature of blessing. It’s a rarity to let a sneeze shoot out without someone uttering the words, and quite often you … If I’m an atheist, how should I respond when someone says “God bless you” to me? being in rural VA i do have customers who still say 'have a blessed day' or 'bless you', etc. If someone says "God bless you" as a greeting, you can say many things, such as "thank you," "and you," or even just smile. Those of us who have the everyday comforts around us, and the promise of Christ Jesus in our hearts, we are so very, very blessed. Simply ignore bad behavior. As a regular church goer (C of E) with Christian in-laws, I hear "God bless you" regularly. Sharing your secrets without asking your permission was wrong. I don't think there is a correct response, as long as you're polite I guess. Hope this helps. So it should go sneeze, excuse me, bless you, thank you. It’s said that Pope Gregory I decreed that anytime a person sneezed, someone nearby who heard the sneeze was to say, “God bless you,” while making the sign of the cross over their mouth as protection against the plague. how would you respond if someo said after someone sneezes because it is believed the sneeze is when their soul leaves their body Can I be pregnant or it's the beginning of menopause? “I am a hard … Powered by Knownhost and the Genesis Framework. Although thank you is nice to say to someone who has just asked god to bless you!! “Why would God bless me this way? ORIGIN 1. It is a very old custom. In this case you would reply, "Thank you." It's like "oh my god" or "oh thank god" or "god damn it" It's like "oh my god" or "oh thank god" or "god damn it" Is it true you cant be a god parent if your not christened yourself? Was this a miscarriage. I am not worthy.” Psalm 8 This is how we should feel in response to our gracious Lord’s many blessings. The way I was taught, you should always say excuse me after you sneeze, and then if someone says bless you, you should thank them. I think this is a lovely thing to say but don't know how to respond!! Who am I? Worse, she absolutely insists I say it to her when she sneezes and if I don't she makes a huge issue out of it. Just watch your tone—it's a powerful thing. how would you respond if someo The blessing of God is always upon our lives, whether we say it is or not. But remember, your goal isn’t to determine who is right and who is wrong. The response about bless you when someone sneezes as we know from the bible and the coran that God bless people for good things like when someone sneezes and you say bless you here you say ( God bless you from the bad thing ) protect you from the bad thing , in the case of sneezing is sickness. I think that both 'bless you' and 'oh my god' kind of.. transcend religious boundaries. So God bless you from the sickness, to not get sick . People used to believe a sneeze caused someone to expel their … God bless you Laura Mean people do not give you the right to act mean. When someone says, ‘thank you,’ the most obvious way to respond is by saying, ‘you’re welcome.’ But, returning the sentiment in the same way over and over again can often feel disingenuous. A man sneezes in a bus and the little girl next to him turns around and says “God bless you”. not only when you sneeze but as a salutation. Not too emphatic (because that can be misinterpreted), but just enough to show that you understand or agree. Don’t respond to rude comments. I go to a toddler group held in a church hall and the vicar often pops in to see us. Along with that you have also said, “Also, can we really call down the blessing of God upon our lives by appending every conversation with the words “God bless you”?”. When he or the other church officials leave they always say "God Bless" rather than goodbye. Don’t passive-aggressively write a Facebook post about them. More rarely there is the expression 多保重 (duōbǎozhòng)多喝点水 (duō he dian shui) "(live to) 100 years old" The phrase has been used in the Hebrew Bible by Jews (cf. Just seek to understand … Ignore what you can. 4. You invoke God on their behalf to support the good that you will for them. Why do we feel compelled to say it to anyone who sneezes, even if the sneezer is … "God bless you" is often used as a response to sneezing. Chinese: Chinese speakers do not typically comment on another person's sneeze. Saying “bless you” or “God bless you” after someone sneezes seems to be a reflex response. So let’s stop talking like religious nuts and have a conversation like normal people.””. And He’s blessed you too. to the Lord. "(God bless) you too" "The same to you" :))|You can you too (usually when the person being addressed is younger or the same age) but it would seem more appropriate to say thank you (can be used to address all ages)|@lmo: I think it's grammatically incorrect.|@lmo: I think so. She says "bless you" to the dogs when they sneeze. If someone says, "God bless you," or "Gesundheit," thank the person. The man reacts by turning to the parents, complaining with an angry voice how she could dare saying something like that to an atheist like him and why they teach her such nonsense anyway.

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