* Fix NRE in deployed science when retrieving experiment parts. A side-effect of the game’s physics has caused some headaches by having vessels without landing legs or wheels to slowly slide when they are resting on the ground under different circumstances such as steep slopes. Will you survive? * Fixed veteran kerbals dissappearing when being dismissed. * The rename button next to action sets 1-4 will now function when used. * Fix LV-T45 config by removing duplicate definition of testmodule. * A notification is displayed on the Fairings PAW when it has a flag attached and the sides and edit Fairing options are blocked. * Preview and select suits for Kerbals via the suit selector icon (coat hanger). * Add setting (MISSION_NAVIGATION_GHOSTING) to show nav marker ghosting when the target is behind you. * Test vessel velocity can now be compared relative to vessels, kerbals, and space objects instead of just the orbited CB. We are improving the visibility of the map filters, too. Kerbals can only manipulate one part at a time and only construct with attachable parts; for example, a deployable experiment will not be able to be attached to a vehicle in this mode. Two capable yet restricting strengths, the armed forces of Anshar and Nergals in the universe crash to bring forth the Anshar Wars. That being stated, the controls and guidelines in this amusement are genuinely direct and simple to get a handle on. This is another virtual environment or to be more correct, a virtual world in which you can cooperate with others and shape new kinships. * Fix error in Intake air resourceDefinition config that marked it as drainable. * Fix Dawn of Space Age mission failing inmediately after lift off in some cases. * New rover construction contract for career games. * Asteroids have new textures and shader. * Fix Kerbals neck showing when swimming. Additionally, both the RV1X and the classic RV-105 Thruster Blocks are getting 5-, 4- (the original configuration), 3- and 2-horned Orthogonal variants. These include the following: We are adding a new button alongside the Warp arrows that when clicked will warp the game until the sun rises over the currently visited celestial body for the landed vessel. * Fix autostrut being incorrectly reset on parts attached to dynamic nodes if the part is the parent. Asajj Ventress was a female Dathomirian Dark Jedi and a valuable Dark Acolyte to Count Dooku. * Fix an issue where the Track Editor would remain open after switching vessels. With this update, we will continue with the overhauling of the rest of the Joolian satellite system with Bop, Vall and Tylo. EVA Construction Mode is the main feature included in Kerbal Space Program 1.11: Some Reassembly Required. * Improve version checking for save files to prevent incorrect compatability messages. Only parts below a certain weight threshold will be able to be manipulated, but constructing in lower gravity allows a Kerbal to build bigger! Now we have them in white, black and white, orange, silver and gold. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Crafts with the action assigned can still fire it. "Open source and no restrictions" is the primary reason people pick Xonotic over the competition. Jool did not only receive high-quality texture & graphic shaders, but also animated clouds, which are particularly beautiful when time-warping around this colossal green sphere. * Fix Z-100 battery light showing white in toolbar and tooltip icons sometimes. * Fix LV-N engine FX particle offset. * Fix spelling errors in robot scanner arm parts. Hone on an assortment of shooting extents arranged both inside and outside, and review your pointing and shooting abilities. That way players won’t ever miss those sunrises. * Fix Navball render issue when Maneuver mode is enabled. The customization angle in Second Life is basically mind boggling. Now we have them in white, black and white, orange, silver and gold. Kerbal Space Program 2 is a very ambitious project and everyone at Private Division and Intercept Games is committed to delivering the best possible experience to KSP fans. Back in 2019, in update 1.7, we introduced cargo parts and inventory to the game in order to allow Kerbals to carry and deploy science equipment in the Breaking Ground expansion. * Fix a different tone of white in the white fairing variant. * Improve performance of splash FX in water by using combination aof close splashes and limiting how many occur in close proximity* Adjusted the “dark” them color to be more visible in the variant selector. This patch contains some bug fixes, but more importantly, we’re adding the Maneuver Mode to the Enhanced Edition. grown-up subjects. Omega Agent tosses you into a Pixar-styled open world, sending you out to investigate it with your trusty and outstandingly deft jetpack. * Tracking of vessels now works for creator defined vessels that undock and get created during a mission from another vessel. * Pinned PAW stays open in the editor on click events and on part selection. eg: Hong Kong. How the 2020 Inc. 5000 Companies Were Selected Companies on the 2020 Inc. 5000 are ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2016 to 2019. * Crafts with robotic parts are now stable when crossing the 100,00 meter threshold both prograde and retrograde. * Fix for localization overlapping bug for all languages in graphics settings. * Added action groups for the fan blades for toggling the Roll, Yaw and Pitch controls independently and also Turn them all ON or OFF. * Added game setting to enable Ghosted Navigation Markers. * Reduced GC and unnecessary calculations performed for variants on fairings. And now, let’s talk about everything KSP! These let you see targets behind you by presenting a faded marker on the navball as if you are looking through the navball. * (Xbox) Infinite propellant cheat no longer causes drops in performance when flying a craft with the throttle set to zero. * Fix 3.75m decoupler and separator drag cubes creating too much drag. * Change PPD-10 Hitchhiker and Mk3 Passenger Module mass to align with passenger/mass ratio of Mk1 Crew cabin. * The Text Maneuver Editor window now opens accordingly when a Maneuver Node is placed/ adjusted from Map Mode with all control presets. * Intended duplicated group-actions have a marker to distinguish the part side. Take a look at these previews and start preparing your next mission to these mysterious, yet beautiful moons! * Craft file name is now independent of command pod vessel naming, preventing accidental overwrites when re-naming command pods. * Added a speed slider to the Axis Groups Binding so players can control how fast a binding will move. Find a nice beach on Laythe and enjoy the view of Jool’s newly animated clouds. Being a social virtual world amusement, Second Life permits you to be whoever you'd jump at the chance to be by giving you a symbol that you can completely modify, alongside the obscurity that accompanies it. That’s it for this edition. * Fix stutter and error in planet viewer transition. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Kodak Black establishes scholarship in memory of late Parkland student * Fixed mirror symmetry placement for structural panels. This update includes a number of quality-of-life-features , including the ability to seamlessly switch between the SPH and the VAB without leaving the editor, plus a Maneuver Widget … Virtual Reality Training: What Can Benefit from VR Training, Xbox Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality Games for the Xbox 360, How to Watch VR Videos on Samsung Gear VR. * Fix Fuel tanks could get stuck with no references to transfer resources when opening and closing PAWs while a transfer was being done. * Fixed bug causing empty stages not to be deleted. Each part has a maximum allowed stack amount. * Fix issue that prevented fairing panels from exploding when colliding. These simple, yet significant changes will certainly help to exploit this powerful tool better, letting players have more control over their contraptions. Fast admonition: Windlands is not for the black out of stomach and will test even the individuals who are most agreeable in VR. * Look around cursor is present and works accordingly when toggling it with [L3] throughout flight. ===================== Making History 1.10.0====================. * Fix dV calcs for stages drawing resources across decouplers with crossfeed enabled. * Vessel orbits no longer behave erratically when launching a vessel with robotic parts in flight. With it we are not only including a number of quality-of-life features, the Joolian moons visual enhancements, and some new parts - as we talked about in the past issue of KSP Loading - but also some more significant and game changing elements that give this update its name. * Fix undo in editor with fairings changing materials on cargo bays.================== Breaking Ground 1.6.0 =====================+++ Improvements* Added toggle to enable or disable a KAL controller.+++ Bugfixes* Fix InventoryModules adding mass to a part even if there was no cargo in it. * Fix localization of tech tree node names in UI. Best of all, these missions will be available for all to play, regardless of whether or not the player owns the Making History or Breaking Ground expansions. * All Cargo Parts can now be searched by the tag cargo in editor and mission builder. There is a solid accentuation on social communication; you post data that is intended to be imparted to others in that world. Moreover, Parachutes and EVA jetpacks are now inventory items, giving more flexibility on how you equip your Kerbals. * Kerbal Jetpack and Parachute are now cargo items that kerbals must carry in their inventory to use them. * Flight Info debug window now shows the angle of the surface the vessel is currently on. * Parts now have a minimum Rigidbody mass minimumRBMass which affects how small the rigidbodies mass can be. * Fix the white rectangle showing in both Advanced Grabbing Units when rotating in the part picker. Under the Spawnables section. * Expanded on the Warp to Sunrise button functionality. * Fix Comet Sample contracts not completing if comet is renamed by the player after the science sample is taken. +++ Bugfixes* Fix non-motorized robotic parts being free moving. * Fix stage UI dV display fluctuating up and down whilst burning engines. * HG-5 High Gain Antenna is now placed correctly in mirror symmetry. Including Part Upgrades. * Fix tutorial 'orbit 101’ getting stuck when trying to get to the inclination value of 10 degrees. * Fix hitching in the main menu. * Fix Portrait Gallery when EVAing and all gallery pictures have been hidden. We knew we were taking on an immense technical and creative challenge when we started this project. Kerbal Space Program 1.10: Shared Horizons includes several new parts and variants to match ESA’s style! Informal communication is the primary subject here. The tools at your disposal while in this mode are similar to what you find in the VAB/SPH, such as place, rotate, and move. Kerbal Space Program 1.10: “Shared Horizons” is now available! * Fix action sets override explanation tooltip text. * Nodes in Making History support comets the same as asteroids. The old system is still there for compatibility, but the new one is preferred. It now has a low, medium and high quality shaders as well as a new scaled space textures. * Fix for kerbal helmet safety not being applied after cheating a vessel to airless world* Fix unable to drag maneuver nodes on future patched conics. Additionally, we’re including a couple of deployable lights. * Revamped Vall! KSP Loading…: Kerbal engineers are stepping up their game! This update includes a number of quality-of-life-features , including the ability to seamlessly switch between the SPH and the VAB without leaving the editor, plus a Maneuver Widget for fine tuning maneuvers during interplanetary flights. * Fixed bug which caused some building lights to remain on during the day. * Fix issue with flags on parts that are set flipped that also have variants set not flipping the flag textures. * Fix lighting on specular shaded part icons. A new toggleable game setting Check ladders end enables/disables the behavior. Launching on July 1st, Kerbal Space Program 1.10: Shared Horizons is special in many ways. * The Reset Staging Stack button now has text that reads “RESET” in the VAB/SPH. * Fix Color values update correctly now in the color picker for HSV values and sliders. You’ll have access to the new Magnetometer Boom to carry out scientific experiments on that distant planet. * Fix science done at Dessert not showing localized name. This brings to Kerbin a version of ESA’s premiere heavy lift launch, capable of putting over 20 tons into LKO. * Added a repair kit part. * Added the ability to have open-ended/uncapped fairings. These smaller RCS are perfect to make your probes, drones or smaller crafts more mobile and versatile. Space Crew features the same gameplay loop as its predecessor with players controlling the actions of their crew moment-to-moment in the minutiae of navigation, scanning and combat. * New Advanced Grabbing Unit Jr. With 2 variants* Fix for LV-N engine not stacking correctly at the bottom. You can associate with individuals all around the globe in an assortment of ways. * New Moho Planetary Observer (MPO) Probe. In case you're into head games and don't require even the smallest piece of guidelines, Don't Touch Anything is an absolute necessity play VR amusement. Fotos y videos. Stack up your inventory with parts and tools in order to prepare for any contingencies. Let’s get those lights on and see what creative contraptions you can come up with these new light parts! * Fix comet science contracts failing when sample has been collected but not yet transmitted or returned. * Add checkbox to FlyThrough Test Node to allow the map marker to be hidden* Added a new icon for Test Grapple node in Mission Builder. * Optimized fairing mesh construction and exploded view heuristic by caching mouse position. * The atmospheric pressure gauge now properly reads 0 when in a vacuum. * Fix alignment in action group text in the action group editor window. * Adjusted the Remove Row button in KAL to only delete the row when clicking on the red cross, not the whole segment* Stock Breaking Ground Vessel Updates*R-062, R-12 and R-25 Ducted Fan Blades* The remove track function’s clickable area is confined to the red X button. * Maneuver Node Editor. * Fix Service Module parts displaying unlocalized text for Shroud. * Fix broken propellant tooltips for abbreviated propellant names in stage icons. Text is ellipsis in this case and on mouse over will move left then right* Updated the Future suit glow color picker position to prevent it from hovering the Kerbal preview* Intended duplicated group-actions have a marker to distinguish the part side* Converter actions now indicate resource type to differentiate them* Hide UI elements that aren’t being used and avoid unnecessary updates in flight mode* The PAW start position doesn’t block the center of the screen* Maneuver Widget for Fine Tuning Maneuvers* Pinned labels in map view now persist pinned even when leaving and re-entering map view* Add new Cheat option in the Debug Menu - Set Position to teleport a vessel to a position relative to the surface of a celestial body* Editor switcher - switching between SPH and VAB without leaving the editor* Made staging and docking UI available in map view* Persist Aero GUI UI debug window setting and Debug Aero info in PAWs setting between game sessions* Add an EVA button when opening the Transfer Crew dialogue via the PAW, * Fuel cells can be set started in the VAB or SPH for launch* Added EVA button to the crew transfer dialog. * Fixed Interstage fairings holding onto the payload in certain use cases. ZDNet's technology experts deliver the best tech news and analysis on the latest issues and events in IT for business technology professionals, IT managers and tech-savvy business people. * Unformatted code text is present when viewing the “Ejection” tooltip in the Maneuver Mode UI. Illumination variety has been fairly limited in KSP so far, with only 2 light options available in the game, but with this update we’re changing that. A new update for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is live! * Fix icons in map view not rescaling properly when UI scale changes. * The camera will not position itself at an appropriate distance when switching vessels to prevent the camera starting inside vessels. * Kickback booster revamp and ESA variant. Pick a weapon of your decision and make a beeline for the shooting range. * Fix gap in the Mk2 Cockpit IVA. Now you can! Our hearts go out to those who have lost someone or their livelihood during these difficult times. You have your own particular symbol which you can dress in any capacity you need and can make games which you play with others. Remember, you can share and download crafts and missions on Curse, KerbalX, the KSP Forum and the KSP Steam Workshop. As we’ve done with all of the revamped celestial bodies, players will be able to switch between legacy and high-quality options. You’ll be able to place the flags horizontally and vertically, on curved and flat surfaces, plus choose the size and whether you want to place a white, dark, orange or transparent background for them. It now has a low, medium and high quality shaders as well as a new scaled space textures. The encapsulation of an escape the room amusement, you get yourself took off alone in a control live with a major red catch and an associate whose exclusive direction is "don't touch anything." Kerbal Space Program 1.11: Some Reassembly Required is the game’s latest major free update and with it, we’re adding some significant and game changing elements that give players added flexibility and a more immersive KSP experience. * Speed up craft loading and use less memory in VAB/SPH. * Fix Action groups UI becoming non-functional on pressing the KAL’s Action Groups button more than once. * New Repair kit part. Another key consideration is that during Construction mode, the game is not paused, so you’ll be able to move your Kerbal around, and you’ll have to mind your surroundings - maybe attempting to reassemble your spaceship during re-entry is not a great idea. ==================== Making History 1.9.1 ======================. Beginning in an interesting little cabin where 2 children are dozing soundly, Jack and Tess: Finding Monsters Adventure is a virtual reality diversion that brings the client into the child's brilliantly extraordinary (positively) dream. * Fix payload inside fairing not being released when decoupled and fairings are still intact. * Fix lighting brightness on displayed Kerbals and Vessels in the GAP. * Improved phrasing for landing label in Russian. * Revamped R-12 'Doughnut’ External Tank and added silver variant. The new space setting allows much more player freedom and campaign unpredictability with much greater mission variety and deeper strategic gameplay. * Fix a couple of messages in tutorials. Welcome to our official newsletter, KSP Loading…! * Some large parts cannot be put into cargo containers but can be manipulated in EVA construction mode. * QuaternionD now supports LookRotation. * Fix KSPedia text on Manual/Management page spacing in Portuguese. In this environment you can be whoever (or whatever) you need. * Fix beginner tutorials being locked out after pressing Save or Load game buttons. * The technology path lines don’t disappear anymore. * Fix randomization error in Sentinel causing short lifetimes of discovered asteroids. * Fix Kerbals rotating when walking on hills. First of all, we hope all you Kerbonauts are safe and well during this pandemic. * Fix the highlight and navigation colors not being set on game start when the settings file did not exist. * Fix a number of typos in the 'Dawn of the Space Age’ mission. Fairings have gotten an upgrade as well, making it easier to set up open-ended fairings, and now you can fine tune the shape of your fairings better as well. * Players can no longer assign the Undock node Action. * Fix inventory part tooltips lingering on the screen when changing Camera Mode. * Contracts that require DLC specific parts no longer appear in Mission Control while the specific DLC is not installed in a Career Playthrough. This upgrade helped us implement memory management improvements and a reduction of frame stutters. * Fix manuever node handles changing value incorrectly when dragging 'anti’ handles. * Added RocketLabs and Electron flags. A good deal of fixes has also been packed into this update, and for Breaking Ground players we have included the R-062, R-12 and R-25 Ducted Fan Blades to the part inventory, among several other things. * Improve drag cube system to handle Part Variants and Shrouds on the same part. It is a high-selling Star Wars video game following the many adventures of several characters. Special Offers for Video Bundle Save Up to $48.95! * Converter actions now indicate resource type to differentiate them. * Added new variants to the fairings size 1.5 and 3. BLes Mundo - Lea las últimas noticias internacionales y sobre América Latina, opinión, tecnología, ciencia, salud y cultura. * Fix Action Groups app header in flight. * Revamped R-4 'Dumpling’ External Tank and added silver variant. * Fix multiple comet comas blotting out the sky when a comet breaks up on reentry. This could cause firing unintentional staging while having the panel opened. * Fix Mainsail’s Center Of Thrust. * Fix bug causing unlocked servos to be locked when launching* Fix missing line break in node description. * Fix inconsistency in the detection of hatch obstruction. * Fix label displaying incorrect experiment for collected science data when prompted to overwrite. by Brian Fisher • Sep 17,2019 • Proven solutions. * Fix localization issues with tab headings in Tracking Station. Some Reassembly Required adds new lights parts to the game, including some smaller, physics-less lights as well as a couple of deployable lights that work without the need for an attached craft or EC power source.

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