b. The lepidopteran life cycle consists of four stages: ova (eggs), several larval instars (caterpillars), pupae, which overwinter live in the soil, and imagines (adults). How did the environment play a role in determining the growth of the peppered moth? c. What changed in the environment of the peppered moth? 4. The peppered moth studied by H.B. Kettlewell, is famous. What are the life stages of a peppered moth? What might have caused the first black moth to appear? Matching (#29 - #33). Having different life stages allows insects to again utilize resources in such as way as to maximize success. The following timeline includes 12 important dates relevant to the evolution of life on Earth. Each stage—egg, larva, pupa, and adult—serves a purpose in the insect's development and life. What might have caused the first black moth to appear? 5 III. Genetics determined if the peppered moth was black or white. During the day, the moths typically rest on trees, where they are preyed on by birds. The main job of the larval forms of insects is to feed and larvae have very different food requirements than the adult forms. What are the life stages of a peppered moth? a. Go to “Birds Eye View” and elect one person to be the “bluejay” first. They go through a life cycle of various stages that takes them from being an egg, to larva (better known as the caterpillar), then the pupa, and finally the adult moth. What are the life stages of a peppered moth? c. What changed in the environment of the peppered moth? 1 However, at the height of the Industrial Revolution, soot from the factories covered the trees as a result of coal pollution, transforming the … d. What did Dr. Kettlewell think was happening to change populations of the black and white moths? Go to “Birds Eye View” and pick a background to start with. During the Industrial Revolution through the mid-20th century, factories and power plants, … The Peppered Moth of Europe is commonly cited as a classic example in evolution, and was studied by H. B. D. Kettlewell as an example of "industrial melanism. The environment affected the growth of the entire peppered moth species by making the environment better for the dark peppered moth, and more dangerous for the white peppered moth. CHOOSE A TOTAL OF 5 DATES ONLY, and match an event from the list below to the corresponding date on the timeline by writing the letter in the blank provided, as shown for the 15 Bya date for the origin of the universe. a. The lepidopteran life cycle consists of four stages : ova (eggs), several larval instars (caterpillars), pupae, which overwinter live … 3. b. 3. Each of the first stages is very important to the development and growth of what is to become an adult moth. Each of the first stages is very important to the development and growth of what is to become an adult moth. Moths with salt and pepper colored wings are not detected on bark that contains lichens of similar colors and patterns. Peppered moths have wings that vary in color, ranging from white to dark gray. In Europe, dark peppered moths were rare before the 1850's and light colored moths were plentiful. Egg (Embryonic Stage) Once she has mated with a male of the same species, a female butterfly or moth will deposit her fertilized eggs, usually on plants that will serve as food for her offspring. They go through a life cycle of various stages that takes them from being an egg, to larva (better known as the caterpillar), then the pupa, and finally the adult moth. Usually, the white peppered moths are selected for because they blend in with the white trees on which they live, while the uniform black moths are selected against because their lack of camouflage leaves them vulnerable to bird predation. Each of the first stages is very important to the development and growth of what is to become an adult moth. d. What did Dr. Kettlewell think was happening to change populations of the black and white moths?

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