Database of has been leaked by a hacker team in Cambodia. Jek Jean Hacker Team continues hacking more websites in Cambodia and it is now an IT company who is also a hosting provider. To prove that he has hacked this company, Jek Jean has published Manich Enterprise database in public which is a… Read More

Team Jek Jean Hacker, hackers from Cambodia, has hacked some websites in Cambodia already. They said in their message mostly to find each system’s security holes, to warn system administrators to consider improving the system. Here are some websites already hacked:   Here is the team’s message on… Read More

Barcamp Battambang 2013

I’m very excited to join first Barcamp in Battambang. I will occasionally catch up all info for Barcamp there. I just have sometimes to make the post up and preparing the living activities during the event, here we are.   What is Barcamp Battambang? the first edition of a 2-day international technology conference and exhibition that brings… Read More

Now we have Khmer language translation available in Google translator that is really a new big step forward to let the world understand Cambodia through our language. You can now translate from Khmer to any language and vice versa. To translate from Khmer to other language, you need to write using Khmer unicode. Thank Google and… Read More